Lower Body Lift

Lower Body Lift in Fort Worth, TX

What Is a Lower Body Lift?

Some post-bariatric patients tend to have excess body skin and fatty tissue that encircles the mid-section, including the belly, hips, back, buttocks, and outer thighs. If this is the case for you, an extensive procedure is required. A belt lipectomy, also called a total lower body lift or circumferential tummy tuck, involves making an incision around the beltline of the waist and across the lower abdomen. Our plastic surgeons perform an initial consultation to determine the patient’s concerns and goals and create their unique lower body lift treatment plan. It may be necessary to split the procedure into 2 or more surgeries, but the surgeon will determine how many procedures can safely be combined to minimize the patient’s time under anesthesia and total recovery time.

Surgical Techniques for a Lower Body Lift

During a lower body lift, an incision is made horizontally across the lower abdomen, circling the body. Through these incisions, excess fat pockets will be removed using liposuction and the underlying tissue and muscle will be pulled tight. An experienced surgeon will trim away as much loose skin as possible, while protecting the incision area to minimize scarring.

What to Expect During and After Surgery

All lower body lift surgeries are performed under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility. The duration of the surgery depends on how many procedures are performed and to what extent. It is common for this surgery to take 3-4 hours or longer. The recovery can also be quite trying. Most patients will be required to spend at least one night in the hospital. It could take 2 weeks or longer before work and normal activities can resume. A lower body lift can create a natural shape and a leaner, more toned figure. Patients who adhere to a healthy lifestyle can enjoy their surgical results for many years.

Before and After Photos of Lower Body Lift

Lower Body Lift Cost

Average Cost
Available upon request
Recovery Time
2 Weeks
Avg Procedure Time
5.5 Hours
Post-Op Follow-Up
1 Week
Recovery Location